检验医学 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 387-391.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8640.2022.04.017

• 实验室管理·论著 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨雪, 徐翀, 宋颖, 赵强, 缪颖波, 王青(), 周靖()   

  1. 上海市临床检验中心,上海 100126
  • 收稿日期:2021-10-27 修回日期:2022-03-06 出版日期:2022-04-30 发布日期:2022-06-07
  • 通讯作者: 王青,周靖
  • 作者简介:周 靖,E-mail: zhoujing@sccl.org.cn
    王 青,E-mail: wangqing@sccl.org.cn;
    杨 雪,女,1986年生,硕士,主管技师,主要从事临床检验质量控制工作。
  • 基金资助:

Survey on the consistency of complete blood cell count results in three regions of the Yangtze River Delta,China

YANG Xue, XU Chong, SONG Ying, ZHAO Qiang, MIAO Yingbo, WANG Qing(), ZHOU Jing()   

  1. Shanghai Center for Clinical Laboratory,Shanghai 200126,China
  • Received:2021-10-27 Revised:2022-03-06 Online:2022-04-30 Published:2022-06-07
  • Contact: WANG Qing,ZHOU Jing


目的 了解长三角三地不同检测系统间全血细胞计数(CBC)检测结果的可比性和一致性,为相关地区CBC检测结果互认提供依据。方法 使用2个批号弱固定新鲜全血调查品对上海市青浦区、江苏省苏州市吴江区和浙江省嘉善县三地共25家医疗机构临床实验室CBC项目进行正确度验证计划的调查,对不同项目和不同检测系统间检验结果进行统计学分析。结果 25家实验室CBC正确度验证计划的2个批号5个项目检测结果均值(x)和极差(R)分别为:白细胞(WBC)计数4.04×109/L、0.30×109/L和8.47×109/L、1.41×109/L,红细胞(RBC)计数4.11×1012/L、0.21×1012/L和5.50×1012/L、0.31×1012/L,血红蛋白(Hb)128.42 g/L、6.80 g/L和166.61 g/L、7.20 g/L,血细胞比容(HCT)41.97%、9.72%和52.67%、10.64%,血小板(PLT)计数170.34×109/L、20.40×109/L和269.82×109/L、32.00×109/L。25家实验室RBC计数和Hb项目检测结果一致性较好,其他项目稍差。Sysmex检测系统(18家实验室)和Mindray检测系统(4家实验室)2个批号5个项目检测结果一致性较好;Horiba检测系统(3家实验室)HCT和PLT计数项目与其他检测系统检测结果一致性较差。结论 三地医疗机构临床实验室CBC检测结果总体上一致性较好,但不同检测系统检测结果尚存在差异,建议使用相同品牌检测系统,以利于检验结果的互认。

关键词: 全血细胞计数, 血液分析仪, 一致性, 可比性, 长三角地区


Objective To know the comparability and consistency of the complete blood cell count(CBC) results of different hematology analyzers in three regions of the Yangtze River Delta,China,and to provide a reference for mutual recognition of CBC results in relevant regions. Methods Totally,2 batches of weakly fixed fresh whole blood samples were transported to 25 clinical laboratories in Qingpu District(Shanghai),Wujiang District(Jiangsu) and Jiashan District(Zhejiang). The results of different items were analyzed,and the differences in results between different hematology analyzers were analyzed statistically. Results a For the 2 batches of investigation products,the means and ranges of 5 items were white blood cell(WBC) count 4.04×109/L,0.30×109/L and 8.47×109/L,1.41×109/L,red blood cell(RBC) count 4.11×1012/L,0.21×1012/L and 5.50×1012/L,0.31×1012/L,hemoglobin(Hb)128.42 g/L,6.80 g/L and 166.61 g/L,7.20 g/L,hematocrit(HCT)41.97%,9.72% and 52.67%,10.64%,platelet(PLT) count 170.34×109/L,20.40×109/L and 269.82×109/L,32.00×109/L,respectively. The consistency of RBC count and Hb items in the 25 laboratories was better than the others. There was no statistical significance in the CBC results of clinical laboratories in Sysmex system(18 laboratories) and Mindray system(4 laboratories)(P>0.05),which showed a good consistency. There was statistical significance in the HCT and PLT count between Horiba system(3 laboratories) and others(P<0.05). Conclusions The CBC results of clinical laboratories in the three regions of Qingpu,Wujiang and Jiashan tend to be comparable and consistent totally. However,there were still differences in some results of different hematology analyzers. It was recommended to use the same hematology system to facilitate mutual recognition of CBC test results in the three regions.

Key words: Complete blood cell count, Hematology analyzer, Consistency, Comparability, Three regions of the Yangtze River Delta
