Laboratory Medicine ›› 2018, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 469-471.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8640.2018.06.001

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XN-20 WPC for the determinations of blast cells and abnormal lymphocytes in peripheral blood

XIA Yonghui, HAN Qingqing, WANG Shoulei, LI Yong   

  1. Department of Clinical Laboratory,Institute of Hematology,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Tianjin 300020,China
  • Received:2017-04-10 Online:2018-06-30 Published:2018-07-06


Objective To investigate the role of XN-20 hematology analyzer white cell precursor channel(WPC) for the determinations of blast cells and abnormal lymphocytes in peripheral blood. Methods By XN-20 WPC,the determinations of blast cells and abnormal lymphocytes in peripheral blood were performed for specimens with Blasts and AbnLympho alarms. The results were compared with those by manual microscopy. The consistency between XN-20 WPC and manual microscopy was evaluated. The repeatabilities and carry-over rates were evaluated as well. Results Compared with manual microscopy,the consistency rates of XN-20 WPC for specimens with Blasts/AbnLympho,Blasts and AbnLympho alarms were 83.3%,42.2% and 42.9%,respectively. The within-run precisions [coefficients of variation(CV)] of 3 specimens with Blasts and AbnLympho alarms for different levels(low,middle and high levels) were 0.36%,1.47%,0.92% and 1.02%,1.49%,0.73%,respectively. The carry-over rates were 0.02%. Conclusions The repeatability of XN-20 WPC is good,and the carry-over rates are low. XN-20 WPC can be used for the analysis of blast cells and abnormal lymphocytes in peripheral blood,which should be confirmed by manual microscopy further.

Key words: XN-20 hematology analyzer, White cell precursor channel, Blast cell, Abnormal lymphocyte

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